I'm watching people yell at each other on TV. I don't like to watch TV anymore. I hate TV. It's other people living their life. And yelling.
Mostly just yelling.
I mean, you can't go 2 minutes on TV without someone getting in an argument.
News flash, I have my own life to live and I prefer to look for Open Doors and Opportunity during the short time I have here. And I don't like arguments.
Why yell at someone anyhow? What good does that ever do? I mean, I've admitted I'm an expert at yelling - years of perfecting it - but it still makes no sense.
Does yelling change things? Do it make things better? Does it help in any way?
We all have that one friend who constantly means well but occasionally crosses the line. That's a good person to yell at sometimes. Not all the time.
We all have that other friend who always ask the same questions over and over - and it usually goes something like this, "why do I stay with him/her?"
Yell at that person too. Couldn't hurt. Usually they're so dense they won't even know you're yelling.
We all have that other other person who just needs to be yelled at. There might not be a reason. Well, not really - but sometimes people just want to yell.
Whatever the reason, always, and I mean ALWAYS, yell with a smirk.
A little yelling to let a person know you're serious, combined with a wry smile to let them know they're just an idiot, can sometimes get people on the right track.
It's like being in on the joke. And yelling at someone is no joke - so it has to be made into one.
The truth is that in 5 years the thing you were yelling about isn't going to matter one bit most likely.
And yelling for the sake of yelling just doesn't motivate anyone to do anything.
If you're in a relationship where you spend a lot of time yelling - or feeling like you need to yell all the time, it's best to just cut your loses and move on.
If you're being yelled at, make that double.
The fact is, life is short. You will not be here forever.
At some point - you gone. Dead. Finito.
And sometimes you can't solve anything. Sometimes no one can. There is no solution sometimes.
When it's gotten to the point where one or both or all people are yelling all the time, make arrangements and just move on. Get away. Get out.
Yelling all the time is nothing more than a drag on life. It won't help you create Open Doors and Opportunity. You don't need that. I don't need that. No one needs that.
Enjoy life and the people you surround yourself with.
The goal is to create a sense of peace in your life. It's peace that will bring Open Doors and Opportunity in every situation.
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