Cast. Cast. Cast. Nothing. I can't catch anything. And if I do, when I do, it's a stupid catfish. Ugh!
That's so life.
Fishing is so what life is about.
I think possibly, that's why it was the worlds very first profession (well, second).
It'll teach you some things about yourself like how much patience you really have and how many times you're going to cast until you just give up and throw in the towel.
Do you live to fish another day?
That's the attitude of a fisherman.
People who fish and don't catch anything always go to bed thinking about what they are going to catch tomorrow.
Rarely have I ever met someone who starts fishing and then completely gives up on the sport because it's basically standing there all day casting and casting and hoping and hoping with very little catching going on.
People who fish relish the thought of the next time they can get out and cast a line.
Catch something, don't catch something. There's a tenacity there.
Stick-tuitiveness. They aren't going anywhere.
The next cast is the best cast and the best cast is going to land them the best fish.
Oh, that cast go wrong? Reel it in, cast again.
Imagine having that attitude in life.
You get no after no after no after no - sometimes you don't even get an answer. All good.
Move on. Live to work it another day.
Someday you might catch something. Never know.
I read when Michael Jordan said he missed more than 9,000 shots.
Lost over 300 games.
26 times was counted on for the game winning shot and missed.
He kept on casting.
It turns out that's not all he accomplished.
He was told he would never be a ball player by one of his coaches (that's what being cut from the team means).
Teachers and coaches can be the devil to a child. You either encourage or discourage (and I never understood a coach that cut someone - isn't your job to 'coach'? ie. make someone better than they are- it makes no sense, but whatever).
It's said Albert Einstein was told by a teacher that he was basically an idiot. After all, one of the most brilliant and gifted men in history didn't speak until he was almost 4 years old.
Your first authority person in life is your parents. They determine a lot. They teach you things. They help shape your mind.
But at a very young age we are all turned over to someone else. Teachers.
It's the first authority you have outside the home (babysitters come to the house for a reason).
Before you know it a teacher is in total control. They own you. And you're more afraid of them than you ever would be your own flesh and blood - the parents.
You'll listen to a teacher long before you listen to your parents, and actually, you learn this from your parents ...
Because your parents listen to the teacher about you.
If a teacher says something to your parents about you, your parents are going to listen and you're going to get beat.
Unless of course it's how smart you are, then they typically just won't want to believe it but that's something we've already covered.
I think all teachers should fish.
When I was in 7th grade I met a teacher who, every day, first thing in the morning, yelled at the class about how great he felt because he got a solid 8 hours of sleep.
8 hours!
No one our age got 8 hours. Not with the invent of cable and MTV (which I wasn't supposed to watch and only could - channel 22 by slide dial, remember those? - when my parents were asleep).
Within only a few weeks I too was getting 8 hours of sleep. That's all I needed and I felt great.
Coach Steve who ever that guy is.
That's a good teacher right there. Probably a pretty good coach too.
I remember him being the science guy because it was in his class that we cut up a frog (do they still do that now?).
I didn't learn anything about life other than I needed to get more sleep. And girls weren't fond of cutting up frogs.
And, since they cut out taking naps a few years earlier, I really needed more sleep (Thank God for algebra).
I'm convinced the best teacher is one that fishes.
Bill Dance, the man, the legend, comes to mind.
Through many, many adversities he continued to press forward and fish.
He never let things get to him. Oh sure, he has his moments as you're about to see, but nothing that 'fat boy' can't overcome.
If you have the attitude that you have to cast and cast and keep casting, whether you're catching something or not, you're probably going to be okay.
Even if you have to get up and cast some more the next day to get where you want to be, and you do, you're good.
You might catch a catfish and you might be disappointed, but you just cast again. And again.
Keep casting.
Eventually you'll catch something you need.
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