Note to self: Jesus' last name is not Please. It's Christ.
Note to Jesus: Please (oh, there I go again ...)
It seems I am constantly and forever saying out of need and necessity, "Jesus please".
So much so He might think it's His last name.
But He didn't come here and give His life so I could sit around begging all the time.
Came for an entirely other reason.
Even still, I say Jesus please a hundred times a day.
One day I need food.
One day I need it cooler at night.
One day I need gas (today actually)
One day I need a way to pay some bills - overdue and on the verge of cancelling.
One day I need my truck fixed and can't afford it.
One day I need a beer.
Actually, that's everyday.
So basically I just need Open Doors and Opportunity.
Open Doors and Opportunity is how you turn your life around.
You get hired somewhere to do something you are able to do for someone else and they give you money for allowing them to interrupt your day.
One minute you're doing what you want.
The next 8 hours you have someone interrupting your day and telling you what to do.
And then the next minute you're doing what you want.
For this, you get paid.
Getting paid means paying bills, having food, or just a cold beer.
For the record, even though Jesus' last name isn't "please" or "please and thank you", to date, He's always delivered.
Food. I'm hungry now, I'll admit that. I did have a banana today. And some chips.
I'm not starving.
Gas. We'll see at the end of the day. I am still in the center of town and need to make it several miles back to the Walmart - but I've been taken care of so far and this isn't the first time the light has come on.
I have a couple dollars and so I'm trying to decide if I need to eat more badly, or a gallon of gas more badly.
Cooler at night? I arrived just in time for evening showers and cool breezes.
I sometimes even have to use a blanket.
The bills? Though a tremendous concern and something I say "Jesus please" over multiple times a day, was able to pay them last month and even though they are due again now (and one already past due), I believe they will be paid as well. A way will be made, and may have already.
I prayed "Jesus please" probably 30 times yesterday while driving to a friend's mechanic shop - where he fixed my truck for free (pay me later, but only for parts).
Truck fixed.
Sometimes He makes a way so you don't need money.
And He helps you get there to begin with.
The few dollars I have? Given to me by the mechanic.
Open Doors and Opportunity.
And when I'm running on empty, I always try and remember to start with Thank You Jesus for _______, before moving on to Jesus Please.
Today it was spending the day in Naples again.
Beautiful day too. Same as always.
Being at the beach for hours.
Walking in the ocean.
The banana and those potato chips I spoke about.
This cool air in McDonald's where I'm typing his out.
The fact I'm still alive.
Open Doors and Opportunity.
That's not what He's all about - by no stretch. But if you believe (and you choose you and do you and believe what you will) He will provide Open Doors and Opportunity. Everywhere.
Jesus Please.
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