I was the CMO of a restaurant group with multiple locations and millions in sales… and it was growing … Then I became the CCO of a boutique marketing firm serving over 150 customers and clients. There was an upstart rival firm that was “hot” and wanted to recruit me, so with permission, I went…
The Gold Ape
I could have minted several. At least 10. I didn’t. That would turn out to be a mistake. For those unaware, “apes” (Bored Apes) became a ‘thing’ in the NFT world and some went on to be worth millions of dollars. Gold apes in particular. I missed out. On all of it. Kind of. I…
Things That Didn’t Exist 20 Years Ago
People always say, “the rich get richer”, and it’s true, but who cares? It’s not like there’s not plenty of opportunity for you to create your own path. Okay, so you had “that idea”. I did too. Others did as well. Maybe the ‘rich person’, because he’s rich, got to do it before you even…
New Ideas Are Important When Trying To Open Doors And Find Opportunity
The one thing that drives me more than anything are ideas. I love ideas. I always wanted to work at a think tank or be the creative guy. Marketing was my first love. Marketing, Advertising. I was the kid in school reading Ad Age magazine and Adweek. Forbes. Inc. BusinessWeek. Those type publications. Those were full…
If Wishes Were Horses, Then Dreamers Would Ride
I used to love that song in the title of this post. Think about it, if wishes were horses, then dreamers would ride. I would ride. I’ve spent most of my life looking for Open Doors and Opportunity. Wishing for whatever that was so I could ride out of my miserable life and into some…
My Greatest Fear – And How It Helps Me Find Opportunity
Being homeless was not my greatest fear. Others fear being homeless, but I was raised in a home where every week we practically faced the prospect of being homeless. You go broke slowly and then all at once. Not our home. We were just always broke as a family and so there was never an ‘all…
Saying ‘No’ To a Marriage Proposal Was One Of The Best Moments Of My Life
I was pretty much all set to leave the next day when she got down on one knee at the foot of the bed and asked me to marry her and stay. Uh. Uhhhhhh. Like a deer in headlights. I barely understood the words coming out of her mouth. “You want toooooo …. um, what?”…